By: Caitlin Blount, Staff Writer It was a dark and stormy night. Every pumpkin in Pumpkinville was fast asleep, tucked tightly and warm...
Pentagon, Obama Plan Strikes on ISIS in Syria
By: Alex LaRosa, Staff Writer Over in the nation of Iraq, United States warplanes once again fly overhead, dropping bombs on suspected...

My take on Ebola
By: Kendall Haney, Staff Writer (original infographic: http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/infographic.pdf) No, I don’t have a Ph.D. in...

By: Marquis White, Staff Writer On September 4, 2014 NFL started its new season. This 2014-15 season of football is filled with...

Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles: #1
By: Kendall Haney, Staff Writer Captain Cavechick presents……… Questions You Can’t Answer!!!! ...............................................
Video Game Review: Plague Inc.
By: Kendall Haney, Staff Writer There have been movies like Outbreak and Contagion that give a visual representation of just how easy it...
Forging Future Leaders Primary Objective for Inaugural Student Council Session
By: Kendall Haney, Staff Writer An enthusiastic crowd of students, parents, teachers, and administrators filed into a familiar feeling...

Meet Shannon!
By: Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief Meet Shannon Denham, one of The iGlobe's talented writers and artists! Her bio: Shannon Denham is a...

SciBuzzer - coming to iGlobe soon!
By: Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief Are you interested in STEM? Do you want to engage more of your peers in these fields? Are you...

Welcome to The iGlobe!
By: Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief If you enjoy any type of writing, have any type of talent that you want to share with your peers, or...