Welcome to The iGlobe!
By: Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief

If you enjoy any type of writing, have any type of talent that you want to share with your peers, or want to share your experiences in clubs or other interesting programs and opportunities, iGlobe is a place for you.
As an international virtual school, iGlobe represents our school's diversity of life backgrounds, interests, and talents very well; we strive to be an environment that encourages students to flourish their various skills, and most of all, place them on exhibition for others to admire, while simultaneously serving as a useful resource for keeping students informed on current important issues.
iGlobe has a wide array of article categories and somewhat elastic requirements for membership. We simply ask Staff Writers to attend at least one meeting per month and submit at least one article per monthly edition.
Here is a complete list of the broad spectrum of articles categories available to you as a Staff Writer for iGlobe. Explore and let the inspiration inside you ignite! :
Eyes on the Globe:
o Local, national, international news; politics; history/philosophy; op-eds
What's Your Take:
o Discussion and debate topics
o Any controversies you want to objectively present to discuss with peers…they go here!
Creativity 101:
o Your own creative writing (can be work from a class, as well)
o Poems, lyrics, short stories, drawings/comics, singing, playing instruments, etc.…creativity galore!
iGlobe Spotlight:
o News about things in school; clubs
o Interviews with students, teachers, or others
o Any of your own work/art/music/comedy/performances/hobbies/etc. that you want to show off!
Global Snapshot:
o Photography / filmography
Play by Play:
o Sports news and scores
o Informative pieces about sports/athletes
o Personal sports stories
Beyond the Books:
o Reviews or previews of books; movies; music; video games
Science Fair:
o News, stories, experiences, study tips, resources, etc. related to STEM (science/technology/engineering/mathematics) field.
The Fun Stop:
o Comics, riddles, jokes, drawings, word games, interactive puzzles, etc.
All things considered, not only is iGlobe a warm and welcoming club which nourishes member's individual fortes and passions, it also provides a great learning process and has a final result that extends that educational and growth process to the rest of the student body through our publications.
As the Editor-in-Chief of iGlobe, I invite ALL of you (full time iCad students) to this year's first meeting, on August 28th, at noon EST – keep an eye out for it in your OLS and for a k-mail from one of our Sponsors, Mrs. Hartmann, as the date nears!
We look forward to seeing you there!
**we recommend you use Google Chrome to view the site.