The iCademy Globe is the online student newspaper of K12 International Academy.
Mission: We at the iCademy Globe believe that our goal is to inform, to entertain, to inspire, to provoke thought, and to provide our fellow students with knowledge to better understand the world around them and one another.
iGlobe Staff:
Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief and Webmaster
Kimia is a 16 year old junior who lives in the state of North Carolina in the United States. She has been writing for iGlobe since 2012. She is greatly interested in computer science/ programming, economics, history, political science, and international relations. Kimia's hobbies include playing piano and cello. She is also fond of learning about different languages and cultures. She enjoys writing thought-provoking articles, editing, web designing, and presenting for The iGlobe, and is especially ecstatic about promoting innovation among her peers on this engaging and educational platform.
Shannon Denham
Shannon Denham is a senior at K12 International Academy and this is her second year writing for the iGlobe. Living in the state of New Mexico, she has been writing and drawing for fun since she was 12. Her major interests include art and movies. Shannon wants more than anything to work on movies when she’s older, and would love to be a screenwriter, director, storyboard artist, concept artist, animator...the list goes on and on! She hopes to share her love of movies and the arts in her articles for the iGlobe.
Alex LaRosa
Alex is 18 years old and a senior at iCademy. This is his second year writing for the iGlobe, and he is pleased to be back. Alex spends much of his time writing songs and playing guitar, as well as following world news and events. He is enrolled full-time at iCademy, and is dual-enrolled in two college classes. Alex will graduate early, in December, and is looking forward to his time off before college.
Wafaa Ateyah
Wafaa Ateyah is a 17 year old senior who lives in the sunny state of Florida. She enjoys participating in K12 International Academy’s rigorous curriculum, as well as its intriguing clubs, such as the iGlobe. Wafaa has been a staff writer for the iGlobe since 2012, and plans on contributing more creative articles this year! Currently, Wafaa serves as an officer in many of the K12 clubs, such as the National Honor Society, Creative Writing Club, and Mu Alpha Theta. She enjoys empowering others to be and do their best. Wafaa’s favorite pastimes are to write and volunteer in her local community. She loves meeting new people and building new friendships that she plans on cherishing forever and ever.
Christina Relich
Christina is a fun-loving 15-year old who lives in Lexington, Kentucky. She has been in K12 schooling since 7th grade, and now has high hopes for a successful 10th grade year. She loves creativity, does a lot of drawing, creates poems, and writes fictional stories in her spare time. Other hobbies of hers include horse riding, reading, dancing, scouting, and church activities. This is her second year with the iGlobe and she cannot wait to spread her love for creativity. She believes that anyone can find imagination if they look deep inside themselves.
Gabrielle Toutin
Gabrielle Toutin is a 13- year-old aspiring ornithologist, guitarist, and game designer. She lives in Texas with her family and two chirping parakeets. She cannot wait to start writing for the iGlobe! She also likes drawing, reading, writing, and swimming.
Katherine Johnston
Katherine (Katie) Johnston is 13 years old and is in the 8th grade. She has been raised on a farm in Griffin, Ga. In her free time, Katherine likes to practice her black belt skills for Taekwondo, and write and sing songs. Katherine also enjoys playing with her 17 loving animals. She also enjoys, reading, writing poems, and helping her parents with their family business. She can't wait to share her creative and informational side with others!
Kendall Haney
Self-proclaimed Jr. Infectious Disease Correspondent for the iGlobe, Kendall Haney is a sovereign authority on everything and absolutely nothing all at the same time. At nearly not twelve years old any longer, she has no intention of moving out of her attic. Ever. She is happy with her hobbies of couch potato-ing, video gaming and is a professional naysayer. Writing is a side gig. That said, she can usually be talked into trying most things once. Once. By her mother. Make sure you are her mother. Sadly, adulthood is around the corner and she will likely have to dream a bigger dream if she intends to continue her weekly Wendy’s cheeseburger habit. Then again, they might be hiring. There is a possibility she'll go to medical school, but overall has no plans for the future. Motto: Eh. Just don’t ask.
Simon Griffin
Simon Griffin is 14 years old, and lives in Delaware, United States of America. He is currently in ninth grade, and has been homeschooled since 3rd grade, though he is new to K12. Simon is very interested in computer hardware and software, as well as coding and video gaming.
Marquis White
Marquis is 11 years old. He is in the 6th grade. He loves to read, play basketball, swim, and fish. He also loves to go crabbing with his grandparents. He loves to eat Surf and Turf. That is seafood and steak on the same platter for all uninformed readers! :) His favorite sports are Basketball and Football. His favorite teams are the Chicago Bulls and San Francisco 49ers.
Caitlin Blount
Caitlin Blount began the process of enrolling in the International Academy in the year 2011. She enjoys her classes and is very excited to be part of this staff of writers. Caitlin enjoys music, technology, writing, and playing sports, in particular soccer, cheerleading, and kickball. She hopes you enjoy everything she has to offer through her words.
Dustin Mitcham
Dustin Mitcham is a fourteen year-old freelance novelist and poet from Austin, Texas. He is in the process of getting his debut novel published. He is an honorary member of the Dark Eagles group, and a co-founder of the Annexian society, as well as a contact of David R. Smith. When he isn’t out paddle-boarding or practicing mixed martial arts, one can usually find him lounging on a couch watching reruns of Friends and/or Frasier.
Christian Dejeu
Fourteen-year-old Christian Dejeu lives in a suburb town outside of Boston, Massachusetts attending International Academy for his second year. He has explored many places near and far; from England, France, Serbia, and Romania to St. Kitts, Caribbean Islands and throughout various states in the USA, with his favorite being the island of Kauai, Hawaii. He plays competitive soccer, as well as, referees youth soccer. Practicing Classical Okinawan Karate for many years he works diligently towards earning his black belt. He loves a great story and enjoys audio books, as well as, using words cleverly. He looks forward to sharing his thoughts in writing, “see something say something,” or perhaps, “say something and then see something happen.”
Fatima Younis
Fatima Younis, who is a sports writer for the K12 iGlobe, has a permanent obsession with ice hockey. She is fourteen and in eighth grade, and she enjoys hockey skating at the outdoor rink in Rockville, MD. She is a hardcore Washington Capitals fan, and her favorite phrase is "Rock the Red!," which is a motto that Capitals fans use for team spirit. She has been to three Capitals games, has a Peter Bondra jersey signed by all the players, and plays hockey with her brother on the weekends. Her room is hockey-themed, and she would love to meet hockey players Evgeny Kuznetsov, Vladimir Tarasenko, and Nail Yakupov. As well as that, not a day goes by without her watching hockey. Motto? "Every day is a great day for hockey."
Hamzah Jameel
An INFP, Hamzah Jameel is a 13 year old living in Dubai, UAE. He joined K12 when he was in 4th Grade. Hamzah loves writing and is currently working on his novel, "The Intergalactic Journey, or, Going and Coming Back Again." He loves exploring new places, and has been to Japan, China, Austria, the United Kingdom, Syria, and Lebanon. Despite severe allergies, Hamzah loves horseback riding. He recently got involved in tennis and started loving the sport.
Gary Shum
Gary Shum is 15 years old and is currently enrolled in the K12 International Academy. Although primarily categorized as rare and elusive, he occasionally peeps out of his hobbit hole from time to time to write for the iGlobe. His hobbies include reading, writing, and staying as far away from sunlight as he possibly can.
Asmaa Younis
Asmaa is in 7th grade and this is her first year writing for iGlobe. She is a huge ice hockey fan and roots for the Washington Capitals. Some of her other hobbies, other than cheering the Capitals are, horse riding, crocheting, rainbow loom and anything full of adventure.
Let's Talk!
If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know!
Also; need advice from our advice gurus? Click below and ask away!
Do you have a way with words?
Do you love building landscapes from letters?
Do you have a journalistic bent?
Have you written a killer essay or an awesome short story you want to share with the world?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the iGlobe is the place for you!
Join the iCademy Globe staff today! We’re a friendly bunch of creative minds, and we’d love to have you aboard. You can write about what you love, bring your own ideas to the table, and take part in some top secret special activities we’re planning for the new school year. Whether you’re a budding journalist or a nascent poet, an opinionated essayist or a star creative writer, you’ll fit right in. Wordsmiths of every shape and size are welcome!
For more information, please k-mail Mrs. Kristi Hartmann. We look forward to meeting you!
—The iGlobe Staff
Meet the iGlobe Staff!

© 2014-2015 The iGlobe - created by Kimia Pourali
All images from Google Images unless otherwise cited.
Template: © The Book Lover with Wix.com