By: Caitlin Blount,
Staff Writer
It was a dark and stormy night. Every pumpkin in Pumpkinville was fast asleep, tucked tightly and warm in their beds, every pumpkin, that is, except for Marzipan, the town’s mystery and adventure lover.
“Halloween is approaching…,” she thought as she lay looking at the shadows across her ceilings and walls, “…which means mischief, danger, and mysteries to be solved in and around every corner.”
“Zomkins, Witchkins, and more will be lurking along the streets causing problems for everyone! The Jack-O-Lanterns will be the worst and most dangerous.”
Marzipan only seven, was quite mature for her age. She had tons of friends and everyone in town adored her. She was very likeable. Although the townspeople sometimes thought that her notions about the “danger” in town were a bit, well, “out there”. Her friends just thought she was a hoot. They loved following her around town looking for the next big adventure. Halloween was the best, they thought. Marzipan’s mystery and adventure seeking was at its all time high around the season. Her friends loved it and looked forward to the fun. Marzipan, however, did not think of her missions as fun. There were dangers in town and mysteries to be solved and she was the only one that could save her town from such havoc for she was, she thought, the only one that could…
“Marzipan…,” her twin sister whispered as she entered the room, “Are you still awake?” Violet creeped towards her sister’s bed, looking around as if she were surrounded by goblins. Violet was the only other pumpkin that did not think fun of Marzipan’s theories. She believed everything that came out of her twin sister’s mouth. Although twins, the two were quite different in many ways. For one, Marzipan was outgoing, fearless and brave. Violet was shy, soft-spoken, and very easily terrified. Marzipan had to be very careful as to how much she told Violet about the dangers in town.
“Yes, I’m awake,” Marzipan whispered back. “What are you doing out of bed?” “I got scared,” Violet confessed as she continued to survey the room, “I was afraid that a jack-o-lantern would come and carve my face!” Marzipan sighed. “Why did I tell her about the jack-o-lanterns,” Marzipan thought. Marzipan tried to make her sister feel better, “First of all, your face is already carved… Just not in a scary way.” Marzipan smiled. Violet smiled a bit. Only Marzipan was able to calm her sister. Tonight, however, something was different. “I’m also afraid that a human may come and turn me into a pumpkin pie!” Marzipan almost laughed aloud. Humans??? Humans??? Pumpkinville is thousands of miles away from any sign of any human. Violet’s imagination was getting out of hand. Marzipan needed to jolt her sister back to reality. “Violet!” Marzipan was no longer whispering. “Calm down and go back to sleep! There are no humans climbing through your window and jack-o-lanterns are not allowed in town. You know this! Stop letting your imagination get the best of you!” Violet felt a little silly. “You’re right, you’re right… I’m just being silly. Night, Marzipan.” “Night, Violet.”
As Marzipan drifted off to sleep, she knew that she had to keep this year’s Halloween adventures away from Violet.