The iGlobe: A History Lesson
Have you ever wondered about the history of The iGlobe, and how it all started? The high points, hiccups along the way, noteworthy staff,...

Featured Creative Writer!
Check out our featured Creative Writer, Gary, and his description of himself! #kimiapourali #iglobespotlight #garyshum #volume7issue7

Trailblazing Your Future With Your College Counselors
By Kimia Pourali Editor-in-Chief You likely pass many hours interacting with your school and college counselors to acquaint yourselves,...

Make an Impact: Demolish the Sadness
By Kendall Haney Staff Writer On January 28th, the Make an Impact Club (makeanimpact@gmail.com) led a lively and informative class...

February Clubs: 1st - 28th
By Adrianna Rivera Staff Writer Future Teachers of America Future Teachers’ of America is a club for anyone who is interested in becoming...

Check out your fellow K12 iCademy students' websites!!
By Kimia Pourali Editor-in-Chief Recently, we asked students to share their own sites, and generally talked a bit about web designing in...

Student Council Election Newsletter!
By Kimia Pourali Editor-in-Chief #kimiapourali #iglobespotlight #volume7issue6

IA Radio: What's All The Buzz?
By Kimia Pourali Editor-in-Chief (Click for the radio excerpt!) (Note: audio begins automatically; adjust sound and headphones...

January Clubs: 1st - 31st
By Adrianna Rivera Staff Writer Future Teachers of America: Future Teachers’ of America is a club for anyone who is interested in...
Dear Organized...
By Omar Ateyah Creative Writer Dear Unorganized, Here’s to changing your pseudonym! Really, it should be quite simple if you just follow...