Turkey Changes Position, Allows Aid for Kurds Fighting ISIS
By: Alex LaRosa, Staff Writer Along the border of Syria and Turkey, a battle has been unfolding in the city of Kobani, the fourth-largest...

Sierra Leone: Illegal Pirate Fishing
By: Fatima Younis, Staff Writer Sierra Leone, one of the world's poorest countries, has had its poverty caused by a growing number of...

How to Lo$e a Country in Ten Ways
By: Kendall Haney, Jr. Infectious Disease Correspondent Sources Baldegg, Kasia Cieplak-Mayr Von. "What Is Money?" The Atlantic. Atlantic...
Pentagon, Obama Plan Strikes on ISIS in Syria
By: Alex LaRosa, Staff Writer Over in the nation of Iraq, United States warplanes once again fly overhead, dropping bombs on suspected...

My take on Ebola
By: Kendall Haney, Staff Writer (original infographic: http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/pdf/infographic.pdf) No, I don’t have a Ph.D. in...

Welcome to The iGlobe!
By: Kimia Pourali, Editor-in-Chief If you enjoy any type of writing, have any type of talent that you want to share with your peers, or...