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Why People Should Read For Pleasure

For years, the internet has become the primary source of knowledge. This has caused many people to change their likes and the way they use their free time. Because of the internet and television, many people spend less time reading and more time on technology. Books are nutritious food for the brain and therefore everyone should cultivate the habit of reading.

The reasons I give you here are quite simple to prove why books are our best friends.

The first reason is to enjoy what you read; this helps you expand your knowledge and your culture. There are numerous books in which you can find a variety of themes. People who read more frequently are happier and livelier than those who hardly read at all. Such people have a wide range of knowledge and a bigger perspective of their environment.

Reason number two is that through books you can have fun and even travel through your imagination. Imagination is a very important aspect in any type of book, whether fiction or non-fiction. Your imagination is a tool which could help you develop a professional career in a creative way.

The third and most important reason that reading provides you is that age is no concern where reading is involved. You could even be a hundred years old and still enjoy a good book. Reading has a number of advantages out of which one is that it improves your vocabulary and aids you in expressing your ideas to others in a simple and correct form.

In conclusion, I recommend that you read more often. Through reading comes knowledge and knowledge is power.

I would like to end with my favourite quote of all time, “In books, I have travelled, not only into other worlds, but into my own.’’ – Anna Quindlen


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