Hidden Beauty
A star, lit up or falling,
A candle in a sky twinkling.
Dawn, the sun rising slowly,
Soft morning hues mingling.
My cat, yawning, spreading his paws
For me to rub his fur.
His upturned stomach just white and gold fluff,
Vibrating with a contented purr.
A stallion, build strong yet coat satin.
Hoofs beating, mane sailing behind.
Forests, mountains, seas, lakes, and rivers –
Whatever nature gives me to find.
The warmth of a friend, and the joy
Of a joke or a secret shared.
Poetry, peace, and perfection.
Life or freedom spared.
Discovery, love, and happiness.
A comical coincidence.
Awe, life, color and snow.
Silent, lonely quiescence.
This is what the world is made of, like a mosaic,
Tile after glimmering tile.
This is beauty. This is what makes me laugh
Or what makes me smile.