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Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles: Music Edition


Welcome, readers! Now, while I would love to torture—I mean quiz—you all on Beethoven, Mozart, and other amazing composers, they sadly have no lyrics for me to put in this article. And so with music on this Cavechick’s brain, I bring this month’s edition of Captain Cavechick’s Impossible Puzzles! The music edition!

Here are the rules:

  • Below you will find a stanza of six songs I just so happened to have heard on the radio

  • You guess the song, enter your answer in the comments section below, and voila! You win…um…satisfaction…and my personal respect as a fellow music aficionado!

  • No cheating allowed! You either know these, or you don’t!

But hey, I’m not your mother so I can’t really stop you…but the ghosts of angry composers might have something to say about it. Three ghosts, three nights? Life changing experiences and all that with dream sequences that include little to no decent special effects, you feel me?

Oh, wait…wrong puzzle challenge…we are doing MUSIC not MOVIES…oops!

Anyways! Without further ado, on to the puzzles!

Song #1:

I can read you like a magazine Ain't it funny rumors fly And I know you heard about me So hey, let's be friends I'm dying to see how this one ends

Song #2:

And just one mistake Is all it will take We'll go down in history Remember me for centuries

Song #3:

Statues and empires are all at your hands, Water to wine and the finest of sands. When all that you have's turnin stale and its cold, Oh you'll no longer fear when your heart's turned to gold.

Song #4:

Wait 'til you're announced We've not yet lost all our graces The hounds will stay in chains Look upon Your Greatness and she'll send the call out

Song #5:

Feeling my way through the darkness Guided by a beating heart I can't tell where the journey will end But I know where it starts

Song #6:

And I wanted it and I wanted it bad But there were so many red flags Now another one bites the dust And let's be clear, I trust no one

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