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A Radical Diet, for a Ravaging Disease

Yes, that’s right. A radical diet, for a ravaging disease. You may have already guessed what I am talking about when I say a ravaging disease. Cancer. It is probably the word that you least want to hear during your lifetime. I felt inspired to write about curing cancer naturally when I read about Chris Wark. Wark was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2003, and had surgery two weeks after his diagnosis. He then refused chemo-therapy, and started eating raw, everything raw. He ate vegetables that were shown to fight cancer, and drank vinegar water. You can find out more about his journey from his website – I was also inspired to write a post in response to the study that was broadcasted on the news last week, about how cancer is just a game of luck.

From his website I found out about countless other cancer patients who had defeated the disease by using diet. We know that cancer needs blood to survive, thus we will then eat anti-angiogenic foods. However, cancer also loves sugar. Decreasing the amount of toxins that enter our bodies by eating organic, and eliminating meat, we can decrease the likely-hood that a mutation might occur in our genes.

I mentioned being spurred by the study that was shown on the news last week. Cancer is just a disease that occurs from luck. Not true. Why is it that in select Asian and African countries the percentage of people with cancer is much lower than that of the United States? Are we just unlucky? No, no, no. I started doing a bit of research on this. Denmark is one of the countries with the highest percentage of people with cancer, closely followed by France, Australia, Belgium, Norway and the United States. So, I just had to look at the staple foods in Denmark. What was it that was making these people so sick? Well, unsurprisingly for me, I found out that they are eating the worst food possible. Obviously this doesn’t apply to every person in Denmark, just the majority. Staple foods include meat, french fries, and other grainy carbs. I contrasted this diet with that of the African country Niger, which has the lowest percentage of people with cancer. Their diet included unprocessed grains like jollof rice, and a TON of vegetables. Most people in Niger cannot afford meat, therefore their diet is mostly vegetarian.

Though my research is not very thorough, I have found that diet and disease are closely related. Obviously other factors such as smoking, pollution, and insecticides and pesticides are also factors in getting a horrible disease like cancer, however eating raw has definitely saved more than a few lives.


Farber, Dana. "Which Countries Have the Highest and Lowest Cancer Rates?" Insight. Dana Farber, 27 June 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. <http://blog.dana cancer-rates/>.

John Hopkins Medical Center. "Bad Luck of Random Mutations Plays Predominant Role in Cancer." Bad Luck of Random Mutations Plays Predominant Role in Cancer, Study Shows - 01/01/2015. John Hopkins Medical Center, 1 Jan. 2015. Web. 18 Mar. 2015. < om_mutations_plays_predominant_role_in_cancer_study_shows>.

Mercola, Dr. "Cancer: Forbidden Cures | Natural Cancer Treatment." Dr. Mercola, 3 Aug. 2013. Web. 16 Mar. 2015. < cancer-treatment.aspx>.

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