Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles: Babysitting Edition
Welcome, my readers! Today I bring you…
Calling all oldest children. We’ve all had those moments when we’re babysitting (and if not babysitting, just being there at the wrong place and wrong time) and your younger sibling has done something extraordinary. Extraordinarily bad, that is. If they haven’t turned the walls a brand new, pretty assortment of colors at least once, then you must be blessed. My own experience with four, going on five younger siblings has inspired this. I give you the tools to mitigate your own personal disasters. You just have to figure out my following puzzles!
a) Your ‘sweet’ baby sister has just taken sharpie marker to the walls. Hey, you were watching her. You just didn’t want her to cry so you left her with said marker! Sadly, Mom’s not going to be pleased nor will she accept your excuse of ‘I just wanted her to be happy.’ Therefore, you can use this to get the marker off the wall.
b) Stuck babysitting again, your eight year old younger brother takes a glass of 100% berry juice and accidentally—on purpose—drops it on your mother’s new $1500 carpet all because you won’t let him have the PlayStation “RIGHT WHEN HE WANTED IT.” What do you do? I mean, what do you do about the juice stain on the carpet?
c) A simple game of baseball inside the house has just broken your mother’s wedding platter into large chunks. What are you praying is somewhere in the house so that you can put it together like it never happened?
d) Your five year old sister has a favorite stuffed animal. Sadly, it got boo boos so said sister put Band Aids all over it. But now, she’s screaming her head off because she can’t get the band aids off Teddy Boo Boo. What can you put on the bandages to get them off with the least amount of mess and no damage to the bear after you wash and dry it?
e) Your younger brother gets ketchup stains all over his brand new karate uniform—and of course it is going to be all your fault even though you’re not the one who smeared it all over him. How do you get the cheeseburger stains out of the karate uniform as a guarantee it comes out in the wash cycle?
f) Your little sister has been going to daycare for the last few weeks. Sadly, your mother caught wind of the cold going around, and she pulled her out of it in hopes of keeping her healthy. That failed. Now, you’re left with babysitting a sick child. She keeps complaining about her sore throat, so what do you give her?