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Headliners & Hearsay

By Kendall Haney

Jr. Infectious Disease Correspondent

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December 19, 2014 - Los Angeles, California

In what is thought to be the first serious cyberattack on U.S. soil, Sony Entertainment seriously considers not releasing one of their latest comedies for fear of what the hackers may have on stars, Sony Executives, and even future and current projects. All employee email accounts and sensitive computer files were compromised, and executives worry about future attacks. However, as of this date the hackers have sent another anonymous message stating that if Sony agrees to never show the film in question that they claim ‘caused them to’ hack the company in the first place, they will back off and not bother the company further. Sony was only too happy to comply, and wide distribution for Christmas day was cancelled. A video release of the movie was later viewed by millions, and a few independent theatres showed the film anyway after gaining permission from Sony several days later.

December 25, 2014 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Possibly as a deterrent to other women, Loujain al-Hathloul, 25, and Maysa al-Amoudi, 33, were arrested for driving a car across the border from Dubai into their home country of Saudi Arabia. In the interest of public safety, the two women have now been referred to a special court to be tried on ‘terrorism charges.’ When asked about it, officials remarked that, in addition to driving, the women also were considered dangerous for using their social media accounts to encourage other women to also drive. No word yet on a court date. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are not allowed to drive a car. The reasoning for the restriction appears to be of a religious nature.

January 9, 2015 – Havana, Cuba

The week of January 9th saw the release of 53 political prisoners in Cuba as per the historic agreement between U.S. President Obama and Cuban President Castro. The prisoner release is part of a deal that includes normalized relations with the isolated Communist country that fifty years ago happily agreed to point armed Russian nuclear weapons at the United States. Secretary of State John Kerry remarked on the deal that “(The Obama Administration is) convinced, however, (that)the old policy of isolation did not achieve its objectives, and that a new policy will more effectively promote our values and help the Cuban people help themselves as they move into the 21st century.” Cuba is approximately 90 miles from the Florida coastline.

January 18, 2015 – Manila, Philippines

Proving that a message of peace, love, and the acceptance of others as they are, can be more popular than an invitation to war, Pope Francis celebrated mass with over 6 million people in the Philippines under rainy skies. According to CNN, “Worshippers in ponchos of all colors held up flickering candles in the rain, hanging onto his every word.” In his remarks to the crowd who reportedly seemed oblivious to the wet conditions, Pope Francis urged “May God enable all the beloved people of this country to work together, protecting one another, beginning with your families and communities. In these days, throughout my visit, I have listened to you sing the song 'We are all God's children,'" he said. "All of us are God's children, members of God's family. We need to protect, guide and encourage our young people, helping them to build a society worthy of their great spiritual and cultural heritage."

Read more:

The Email Message Was Received Sony's Top Executives on Thursday Night, and Was Obtained CNN. "Hackers to Sony: We'll Stand down If You Never Release the Movie." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

“Two women referred to ‘terror’ court for driving in Saudi Arabia.” The Guardian. Web. 25 Dec. 2015.

"US: Cuba Completes Release of 53 Political Prisoners." Washington Times. The Washington Times, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

"Pope Francis: Millions Gather in Manila for Mass -" CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 19 Jan. 2015.

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