Captain Cavechick's Impossible Puzzles: #2
By: Kendall Haney,
Staff Writer

I’m sure you all remember my last puzzle challenges. Dreadful puzzles that melt your brain, and strike fear in souls everywhere.If you managed to figure out the last ones, and enjoyed it, I’m here to tempt you with a round 2! And if you missed round one…well, you can still complete these!
Naturally, if you complete all the puzzles correctly each month, you get the title of genius! But not only that, you…
get bragging rights and your name in lights on…

The Monstrous Maze…!
Really, you may need to contact Indiana Jones to find the end of this puzzle…or the beginning of it. Good luck.

The Very Cross Crossword Puzzle!
Bueno Suerte with this crossword puzzle. Here’s a hint, all the answers are school related.

1. School newspaper.
5. Science.
6. Creativity on paper.
2. Stacks of paper with a cover. Sometimes pictures if you’re lucky.
3. The past.
4. Where you go to learn.
The Sinister Word Scrambler!!!
This should be pretty simple. Just unscramble all the words and you win! And no asking your mother, you have to do this by yourself.

What? You finished them?! Well, congrats! Zap those answers in the comment box below! Thanks for reading the iGlobe, and feel free to leave me a message below in the comments section. See ya’ next month!