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Verses Of The Heart And Mind

By: Omar Ateyah,

Staff Writer

A Stricken Heart

When the shock of terror hits like the quake

The reaction from the victims is never fake

For they will scream and shout, while one will tear the curtains apart

But once the grief settles in and lingers, this madness only happens within the heart

The heart is like a detector and digester of joy and pain

Once the latter creeps in, the heart thumps and bumps as if going insane

As time continues its speedy flight

The heart holds its sorrow, not so tight

As the hope for liberty increases evermore, the heart then yearns to be free!

But nay! It is not to be

Because the owner of this heart cannot let go

Of what makes him shriek, and what causes him to feel preposterously low

Why won’t the man accept the sweet taste and fragrance of liberty?

Ah, the only answer is man and his internal stupidity


The Mind Of All Demos

Demos means me and you

The human folk, the ones that wear the shoe

While we may seem like just the average chaps

I’ll tell you something that’ll make you grab you’re thinking caps

Here it is: our mind is our superpower

If I see your expressions, I bet they’re all sour

Because we can’t fly or teleport

But, hey: Our minds are compasses of a sort

If we think positive

Then that direction is where we will live

If we think in the wrong

We travel in the direction of the unfortunate throng

You see the power, now?

The mind could tell us where we go, and how


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