Fresh with the tenderest skin, Just someone is born. Yet someday, that someone, To heaven, he must go. Death haunts everyone, And that’s...

Esmeralda of Dracosia: Chapter 21
Chapter 21 The more Esmeralda came closer to him, the more Nymaul looked like a thunderous volcano. Fire erupted from his maw, distilling...
The Crystal Rose: Chapter 3
Vim crouched down on the ice, looking over the scene of the crime. The tracks were almost human-like in their shape with four fingers and...
A Monarchical Mishap: Parts IV and V
IV. Two and a half weeks had passed and in the meantime Ramo had sat alone on the spacious Tri-arch throne, and his sisters had still not...
The Building of the Water-Style Volcano
“Oh!” I cried out in class. “So, that’s how a volcano works. I wonder if I could build one…” “Yea,” said my learning coach. “Sure you...
Esmeralda of Dracosia: Chapter 20
Chapter 20 It rose like a pale flare of forewarning. Slowly but surely, the bleached disk of the white moon took its place in the night...
If… If the night controlled the days, Then peace will be found every other way. Only then nothing is seen: No guns, no bullets, or even...
A Monarchical Mishap: Parts II and III
By Omar Ateyah Creative Writer II. The next morning, the first and only person that Oliver saw was Tetzel. He came to the Parl’s house...
The Crystal Rose: Chapter 2
By Gary Shum Creative Writer The cold winds pelted his face like snakebites as Vim stood at the edge of the railing, watching the sea of...

Esmeralda of Dracosia: Chapter 19
By Christina Relich Creative Writer Chapter 19 Esmeralda didn’t mind a little rain. She quite liked it, in fact. The gentle patter...